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Cover Highlights

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Adv. Funct. Mater. (2023)

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Chem. Commun. (2023)

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ChemElectroChem (2022)

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Nanoscale (2021)

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Energy Environ. Sci. (2019)

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ChemSusChem (2017)

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Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (2013)

102. Daehee Kim, Gi Hong Jung, Young Hwa Yun, Jeesoo Park, Sieon An, Changsoo Lee, Sechan Lee, Hyeonjung Park, Sang-Kyung Kim, Hyun-Seok Cho, Hee-Tak Kim, Namgee Jung,* Gisu Doo,* MinJoong Kim* Achieving Pt coating-free anodes using double-Layered catalyst layer structure for polymer electrolyte membrane water electrolysis, J. Mater. Chem. A (2025). Submitted.

101. Jungmin Han, Eunjik Lee, Eunbi Park, Youngjoo Whang, Yongmin Kwon, Narim Kim, Byoeng-Seon An, Namgee Jung,* Gu-Gon Park,* Carbon encapsulation dynamics for the solid-state synthesis of high-loading sub-3 nm PtNi alloy electrocatalysts, J. Power Sources (2025). Submitted.

100. Mansu Kim, Jonghwan Park, Hyuk Choi, Sohui Kim, Injoon Jang, Hyun You Kim, Namgee Jung,* Sung Jong Yoo,* Joseph T. Hupp,* Dongmok Whang,* Enhancing metal–support interactions of Ru catalysts via relaxation of oxygen vacancies for hydrogen production, Adv. Energy Mater. (2025). Submitted.

99. Eunbi Park, Eunjik Lee, Jungmin Han; Youngjoo Whang, Yongmin Kwon, Narim Kim, Byoeng-Seon An, Namgee Jung,* Gu-Gon Park,* Temperature-dependent carbon shell engineering for highly durable Pt@C catalysts in the oxygen reduction reaction, Appl. Surf. Sci. (2025). In Revision.

98. Sourabh S. Chougule, A. Anto Jeffery, Dohoon Kim, Mansu Kim, Yunjin Kim, Keonwoo Ko, Jiho Min, Khikmatulla Davletbaev, Abhishek A. Chavan, Hyelim Park, Yeonjae Lee, Segeun Jang,* Namgee Jung,* Rational engineering of iron phthalocyanine-derived single atom catalysts for anion exchange membrane fuel cells, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. (2025). In Revision.

97. Jiho Min, Yunjin Kim, Seunghyun Lee, Keonwoo Ko, Sourabh S. Chougule, Abhishek A. Chavan, Khikmatulla Davletbaev, Beomjun Pak, Hyelim Park, Sung-Dae Yim,* Namgee Jung,* Design of anti-poisoning catalysts for hydrogen oxidation reaction in next-generation anion exchange membrane fuel cells, Electrochem. Commun. 170 (2025) 107852. Link

96. Khikmatulla Davletbaev, Sourabh S. Chougule, Jiho Min, Keonwoo Ko, Yunjin Kim, Hyeonwoo Choi, Yoonseong Choi, Abhishek A. Chavan, Beomjun Pak, Ikromjon U. Rakhmonov,* Namgee Jung,* Effect of heat treatment on structure of carbon shell-encapsulated Pt nanoparticles for fuel cells, Nanomaterials, Nanomaterials 14 (2024) 924. Link

95. Hyeonwoo Choi, Keonwoo Ko, Yoonseong Choi, Jiho Min, Yunjin Kim, Sourabh S. Chougule, Khikmatulla Davletbaev, Chavan Abhishek Arjun, Beomjun Pak, Namgee Jung,* Ultrathin carbon shell-coated intermetallic alloy nanoparticles for oxygen reduction reaction in fuel cells, Korean J. Mater. Res. 34 (2024) 208-214. Link

94. Keonwoo Ko,‡ Dongsu Kim,‡ Jiho Min,‡ Bathinapatla Sravani, Yunjin Kim, Sanghyeok Lee, Taejun Sul, Segeun Jang,* Namgee Jung,* Redesign of anode catalyst for sustainable survival of fuel cells, Adv. Sci. 11 (2024) 2307073. Link

93. Sungmin Kim, Yunseong Ji, Young-Jun Sohn, Seunghee Woo, Seok-Hee Park, Namgee Jung, Yun Sik Kang,* Sung-Dae Yim,* Performance analysis of membrane electrode assemblies with various compositions under non-uniform large area operating environments of fuel cells, Int. J. Precis Eng Manuf-Green Technol. 11 (2024) 549-563. Link

92. Hyeonwoo Choi, Yoonseong Choi, Jiho Min, Keonwoo Ko, Yunjin Kim, Sourabh S. Chougule, Davletbaev Khikmatulla, Namgee Jung,* Origin and formation mechanism of carbon shell-encapsulated metal nanoparticles for powerful fuel cell durability, Nanomaterials 27 (2023) 2862. Link

91. Yoonseong Choi, May Zaw Win, Wathone Oo, Jiho Min, Keonwoo Ko, Yunjin Kim, Hyeonwoo Choi, Sourabh S. Chougule, Davletbaev Khikmatulla, Kwang Bok Yi,* Namgee Jung,* Experimental simulation study on the poisoning effect of hydrocarbon-based ionomers on Pt catalysts for fuel cells, Electrochem. Commun. 157 (2023) 107602. Link

90. Muhammad Adnan,* Zobia Irshad, Wonjong Lee, Riaz Hussain,* Sunkyu Kim, Siwon Yun, Namgee Jung,* Jongchul Lim,* Molecular modelling of fused heterocycle-based asymmetric non-fullerene acceptors for efficient organic solar cells, J. Saudi Chem. Soc. 27 (2023) 101739. Link

89. Gutturu Rajasekhara Reddy, Bathinapatla Sravani, Namgee Jung, Gowra Raghupathy Dillip,* Sang Woo Joo,* Engineering rich-cation vacancies in CuCo2O4 hollow spheres with a large surface area derived from a template-free approach for ultrahigh capacity and high-energy density supercapacitors, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 15 (2023) 36500-36511. Link

88. Seong Hyeon Woo, Sungmin Kim, Seunghee Woo, Seok-Hee Park, Yun Sik Kang, Namgee Jung,* Sung-Dae Yim,* Investigating the effect of solvent composition on ink structure and crack formation in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell catalyst layers, Korean J. Chem. Eng. 40 (2023) 2455-2462. Link

87. Sourabh S. Chougule, A. Anto Jeffery, Sreya Roy Chowdhury, Jiho Min, Yunjin Kim, Keonwoo Ko, Bathinapatla Sravani, Namgee Jung,* Antipoisoning catalysts for the selective oxygen reduction reaction at the interface between metal nanoparticles and the electrolyte,  Carbon Energy 5 (2023) e293. Link 

86. Mansu Kim, Seung-hoon Kim, Jonghwan Park, Seongsoo Lee, Injoon Jang, Sohui Kim, Chang Yeon Lee, Oh Joong Kwon, Hyung Chul Ham, Joseph T. Hupp,* Namgee Jung,* Sung Jong Yoo,* Dongmok Whang,* Reconstructing oxygen-deficient zirconia with ruthenium catalyst on atomic-scale interfaces toward hydrogen productionAdv. Funct. Mater. 33 (2023) 2300673. This paper was highlighted as “Front Cover”. Link

85. Kedhareswara Sairam Pasupuleti, Sourabh S. Chougule, Na-hyun Bak, Devthade Vidyasagar, Namgee Jung, Young-Heon Kim, Gi Pou Nam, Moon-Deock Kim,* UV light driven high-performance room temperature surface acoustic wave NH3 gas sensor using sulfur-doped g-C3N4 quantum dots, Nano Res. 16 (2023) 7682−7695. Link 

84. Artavazd Kirakosyan, Donghyun Lee, Yoonseong Choi, Namgee Jung, Jihoon Choi,* Poly(styrene sulfonic acid)-grafted carbon black synthesized by surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization, Molecules 28 (2023) 4168. Link

83. Jiho Min, Keonwoo Ko, Yunjin Kim, Sreya Roy Chowdhury, A. Anto Jeffery, Sourabh S. Chougule, Namgee Jung,* Fine-tuning of ultrathin carbon shell coated on metal nanoparticles: carbon etching and defect healing effects, Chem. Commun59 (2023) 5681-5684. This paper was highlighted as “Inside-Front Cover”. Link

82. Gutturu Rajasekhara Reddy, Gangavarapu Prathyusha, Namgee Jung, Bathinapatla Sravani, Sang Woo Joo,* Engineering cationic vacancies on sphere-like zinc cobaltite microstructures via self-assembly of silkworm-like interconnected nanoparticles for battery-type supercapacitors, CrystEngComm 25 (2023) 2618-2628. Link

81. Jiho Min,‡ Sourabh S. Chougule,‡ Bathinapatla Sravani,‡ Keonwoo Ko, Yunjin Kim, Namgee Jung,* A bottom-up approach to solving technical challenges in fuel cell systems through innovative catalyst design, Curr. Opin. Electrochem. 39 (2023) 101257. Link 

80. Yunjin Kim, Jiho Min, Keonwoo Ko, Bathinapatla Sravani, Sourabh S. Chougule, Yoonseong Choi, Hyeonwoo Choi, SeoYeong Hong, Namgee Jung,* Activity quantification of fuel cell catalysts via sequential poisoning by multiple reaction inhibitors, Nanomaterials 12 (2022) 3800. Link

79. Jiho Min,‡ Sungmin Kim,‡ A. Anto Jeffery,‡ Hyeyoung Shin, Yun Sik Kang, Youngjin Kim, Jeonghee Jang, Seunghyun Lee, Seok-Hee Park, Gu-Gon Park, Sung Jong Yoo, Sung-Dae Yim,* Namgee Jung,* A paradigm shift in CO tolerant catalyst design for fuel cells via introducing defect-controlled carbon molecular sieve layersMater. Today Energy 29 (2022) 101124. Link

78. Keonwoo Ko,‡ Jiho Min,‡ Yunjin Kim, Min Woo Hong, A. Anto Jeffery, S. S. Chougule, Kwang Bok Yi,* Namgee Jung,* Carbon shell-encapsulated metal alloy catalysts with Pt-rich surfaces for selective hydrogen oxidation reaction, ChemElectroChem 9 (2022) e202200342. This paper was highlighted as “Front Cover”. Link 

77. Suyeon Kim, Hugeun Kwon, Hyejin Lee, Namgee Jung,* Byungchan Bae, Dongwon Shin,* Electrochemical method for measurement of hydroxide ion conductivity and CO2 poisoning behavior of anion exchange membrane, J. Korean Electrochem. Soc. 25 (2022) 88-94. Link

76. Kedhareswara Sairam Pasupuleti, S. S. Chougule, Namgee Jung, Young-Jun Yu, Jae-Eung Oh, Moon-Deock Kim,* Plasmonic Pt nanoparticles triggered efficient charge separation in TiO2/GaN NRs hybrid heterojunction for the high performance self-powered UV photodetectors, Appl. Surf. Sci. 594 (2022) 153474. Link

75. Sreya Roy Chowdhury, Apurba Ray, S. S. Chougule, Jiho Min, A. Anto Jeffery, Keonwoo Ko, Yunjin Kim, Sachindranath Das, Namgee Jung,* Mixed spinel Ni-Co oxides: an efficient bifunctional oxygen electrocatalyst for sustainable energy applicationACS Appl. Energy Mater. (2022) 5 (2022) 4421-4430. Link

74. A. Anto Jeffery,‡ Jiho Min,‡ Youngjin Kim, S. S. Chougule, Seunghyun Lee, Jong-Ryul Jeong, Namgee Jung,* pH-Induced morphological transformation of WxMo1-xS2 nanosheets for hydrogen evolution reaction through precursor solution aging, J. Power Sources 526 (2022) 231154. Link

73. Kedhareswara Sairam Pasupuleti, Maddaka Reddeppa, S. S. Chougule, Na-hyun Bak, Dong-Jin Nam, Namgee Jung, Hak Dong Cho, Song-Gang Kim, Moon-Deock Kim,* High performance langasite based SAW NO2 gas sensor using 2D g-C3N4@TiO2 hybrid nanocomposite,  J. Hazard. Mater. 427 (2022) 128174. Link

72. Mi Yoo,† Eunji Kang,† Hyunwoo Ha,† Jieun Yun,† Hyuk Choi, Ju Hyeok Lee, Tae Jun Kim, Jiho Min, Jin-Seok Choi, Kug-Seung Lee, Namgee Jung, Sungtak Kim, Chunjoong Kim, Young-Sang Yu,*, Hyun You Kim,* Interspersing CeOx clusters to the Pt-TiO2 interfaces for catalytic promotion of TiO2-supported Pt nanoparticlesJ. Phys. Chem. Lett. 13 (2022) 1719-1725. Link

71. Seongjoo Park, Eunjik Lee, Namgee Jung,* Gu-Gon Park,* Scale-up synthesis and electrochemical study on core-shell structured Pd@Pt nanoparticle for reduction of Pt usage in fuel cell electrocatalyst, J. Energy Eng. 30 (2021) 1-9. Link

70. Eunsung Yuk, Hyejin Lee, Namgee Jung,*, Dongwon Shin,* Byungchan Bae, Electrochemical characteristics of electrode by various preparation methods for alkaline membrane fuel cell, J. Korean Electrochem. Soc. 24 (2021) 106-112. Link

69. Youngjin Kim,‡ Jue-Hyuk Jang,‡ Jiho Min,‡ A. Anto Jeffery, Seunghyun Lee, S. S. Chougule, MinJoong Kim, Namgee Jung,* Sung Jong Yoo,* A target-customized carbon shell structure of carbon-encapsulated metal nanoparticles for fuel cell applications,  J. Mater. Chem. A 9 (2021) 24480-24487. Link

68. Jue-Hyuk Jang,‡ A. Anto Jeffery,‡ Jiho Min, Namgee Jung,* Sung Jong Yoo,* Emerging carbon shell-encapsulated metal nanocatalysts for fuel cell and water electrolysis, Nanoscale 13 (2021) 15116-15141. This paper was highlighted as “Front Cover”. Link

67. Ahmed S. Yasin, Ahmed Yousef Mohamed, Dong hyun Kim, Thi Luu Luyen Doan, S. S. Chougule, Namgee Jung, Sungchan Nam,* Kyubock Lee,* Design of zinc oxide nanoparticles and graphene hydrogel co-incorporated activated carbon for efficient capacitive deionization, Sep. Purif. Technol. 277 (2021) 119428. Link

66. Ik-Sung Yim,‡ Eunjik Lee,‡ Hyun-Uk Park, Jeongyun Jang, Namgee Jung,* Tae-Hyun Yang, Sung-Dae Yim, Gu-Gon Park,*  Sonochemical gram-scale synthesis of core–shell PdCo@Pt nanoparticle and investigation of post heat-treatment effect for various gas atmospheres, J. Alloy. Compd. 879 (2021) 160441. Link

65. Sungmin Kim, Young-Jun Sohn, Seunghee Woo, Seok-Hee Park, Namgee Jung,* Sung-Dae Yim,* Optimization method for MEA performance considering the non-uniformity of operating condition in a large-area bipolar plate, New. Renew. Energy 17 (2021) 50-58. Link

64. Didem Dogan,‡ Jiye Choi,‡ Min Ho Seo, Eunjik Lee, Namgee Jung,* Sung-Dae Yim, Tae-Hyun Yang, Gu-Gon Park,*  Enhancement of catalytic activity and durability of Pt nanoparticle through strong chemical interaction with electrically conductive support of Magnéli phase titanium oxide, Nanomaterials 11 (2021) 829. Link

63. Do Van Lam, Muhammad Sohail, Van-Toan Nguyen, Quang-Tung Ngo, A. Anto Jeffery, Ho-Suk Choi, Namgee Jung, Jae-Hyun Kim, Hyunuk Kim,* Seung-Mo Lee,* Laser-scribed ultrasmall nanoparticles with unary and binary phases, Chem. Eng. J. 421 (2021) 127731. Link

62. Jongmin Shin, Jiho Min, Youngjin Kim, Jin Hee Lee, Geunseok Chai,* Namgee Jung,* Facile strategy for mass production of Pt catalysts for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells using low-energy electron beam, Nanomaterials 10 (2020) 2216. Link

61. Seunghyun Lee , Hyejin Lee , Tae-Hyun Yang , Byungchan Bae , Nguyen Anh Thu Tran , Younghyun Cho , Namgee Jung,* Dongwon Shin,* Quaternary ammonium-bearing perfluorinated polymers for anion exchange membrane applications, Membranes 10 (2020) 306Link

60. A. Anto Jeffery,‡ Sang-Young Lee,‡ Jiho Min, Youngjin Kim, Seunghyun Lee, Jin Hee Lee, Namgee Jung,* Sung Jong Yoo,* Surface engineering of Pd-based nanoparticles by gas treatment for oxygen reduction reactionKorean J. Chem. Eng. 37 (2020) 1360-1364. Link

59. Beomjun Pak, Seonho Lee, Seunghee Woo, Seok-Hee Park, Namgee Jung,* Sung-Dae Yim,* Effect of ionomer content on the anode catalyst layers of PEM fuel cellsTrans. of Korean Hydrogen and New Energy Society 30 (2019) 523-530. Link

58. Jeongyun Jang, Sung-Dae Yim, Seok-Hee Park, Namgee Jung,* Gu-Gon Park,* A study on characteristics of supports materials for durability improvement of electrocatalystsTrans. of Korean Hydrogen and New Energy Society 30 (2019) 531-539. Link

57. Youngjin Kim,‡ A. Anto Jeffery,‡ Jiho Min, Namgee Jung,* Modulating catalytic activity and durability of PtFe alloy catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction through controlled carbon shell formation, Nanomaterials 9 (2019) 1491. Link 

56. Jiho Min,‡ A. Anto Jeffery,‡ Youngjin Kim, Namgee Jung,* Electrochemical analysis for demonstrating CO tolerance of catalysts in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells, Nanomaterials 9 (2019) 1425. Link 

55. Seongsoo Lee, Wonseok Jang, Mansu Kim, Jae Eun Shin, Ho Bum Park, Namgee Jung,* Dongmok Whang,* Rational design of ultrathin gas barrier layer via reconstruction of hexagonal boron nitride nanoflakes to enhance the chemical stability of proton exchange membrane fuel cells, Small 15 (2019) 1903705. Link

54. Yeonsun Sohn, Namgee Jung, Myeong Jae Lee, Soohyung Lee, Kee Suk Nahm,* Pil Kim,* Sung Jong Yoo,* Preparation of porous PtAuCu@Pt core-shell catalyst for application to oxygen reduction, J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 79 (2019) 210-216. Link

53. Jeonghee Jang,‡ Monika Sharma,‡ Daeil Choi,‡ Yun Sik Kang, Youngjin Kim, Jiho Min, Hukwang Sung, Namgee Jung,* Sung Jong Yoo,* Boosting fuel cell durability under shut-down/start-up conditions using hydrogen oxidation-selective metal-carbon hybrid core-shell catalyst, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 11 (2019) 27735−27742. Link

52. Monika Sharma,‡ Jue-Hyuk Jang,‡ Dong Yun Shin, Jeong An Kwon, Dong-Hee Lim, Daeil Choi, Hukwang Sung, Jeonghee Jang, Sang-Young Lee, Kwan Young Lee, Hee-Young Park, Namgee Jung,* Sung Jong Yoo,* Work function-tailored graphene via transition metal encapsulation as a highly active and durable catalyst for the oxygen reduction reaction, Energy Environ. Sci. 12 (2019) 2200-2211. This paper was highlighted as “Back Cover”. Link

51. Rambabu Kuchi,‡ Monika Sharma,‡ Sung Woo Lee, Dongsoo Kim, Namgee Jung,* Jong-Ryul Jeong,* Rational design of carbon shell-encapsulated cobalt nanospheres to enhance microwave absorption performance, Prog. Nat. Sci. Mater. Int. 29 (2019) 88-93. Link

50. Hukwang Sung,‡ Monika Sharma,‡ Jeonghee Jang, Sang-Young Lee,  Myoung-gil Choi, Kyubock Lee, Namgee Jung,* Boosting the oxygen reduction activity of a nano-graphene catalyst by charge redistribution at the graphene–metal interface, Nanoscale 11 (2019) 5038-5047. Link

49. Yuhwan Hyeon,‡ Su-Ho Jung,‡ Wonseok Jang, Mansu Kim, Byung-Sung Kim, Jae-Hyun Lee, Koteeswara Reddy Nandanapalli, Namgee Jung,* Dongmok Whang,* Unraveling the factors affecting electrochemical performance of MoS2-carbon composite catalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction: Surface defect and electrical resistance of carbon supports, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 11 (2019) 5037−5045. Link

48. Hongkwan Yun, Dahee Kim, Chunjoong Kim*, Young-Jin Kim, Ji Ho Min, Namgee Jung*, Development of electrode materials for Li-ion batteries and catalysts for proton exchange membrane fuel cells, Ceramist 21 (2018) 388-405. Link

47. Doyeol Kim, Seunghee Woo, Seok-Hee Park, Namgee Jung,* Sung-Dae Yim*, Study on the CO tolerance of anode catalyst layers with ionomer content for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells, New. Renew. Energy 14 (2018) 38-45. Link

46. Jeonghee Jang, Monika Sharma, Hukwang Sung, Sunpyo Kim, Namgee Jung,* Hybrid PtCo alloy nanocatalysts encapsulated by porous carbon layers for oxygen reduction reactions, Korean J. Mater. Res. 28 (2018) 646-652. Link

45. Hukwang Sung, Monika Sharma, Jeonghee Jang, Namgee Jung,* Synthesis of highly dispersed Pd nanocatalysts through control of organic ligands and their electrochemical properties for oxygen reduction reaction in anion exchange membrane fuel cells, Korean J. Mater. Res. 28 (2018) 633-639. Link

44. Kyoung-Hee Kim, Jung-Don Lee, Hyojune Lee, Seok-Hee Park, Sung-Dae Yim, Namgee Jung,* Gu-Gon Park,* Preparation of shape-controlled palladium nanoparticles for electrocatalysts and their performance evaluation for oxygen reduction reaction, Trans. Korean Hydrogen New Energy Soc. 29 (2018) 450-457. Link

43. Namgee Jung,* Yoon-Hwan Cho, Yong-Hun Cho, Yung-Eun Sung,* In-situ analysis of overpotentials in direct methanol fuel cell by using membrane electrode assembly composed of three electrodes, Korean J. Mater. Res. 28 (2018) 330-336. Link

42. Monika Sharma, Namgee Jung,* Sung Jong Yoo,* Toward high-performance Pt-based nanocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction through organic-inorganic hybrid concepts, Chem. Mater. 30 (2018) 2-24. Link

41. Youngjin Jang,‡ Kwang-Hyun Choi,‡ Dong Young Chung, Ji Eun Lee, Namgee Jung,* Yung-Eung Sung,* Self-assembled dendritic Pt nanostructure with high-index facets as highly active and durable electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction, ChemSusChem 10 (2017) 3063-3068. This paper was highlighted as “Inside Cover”.  Link

40. Sang-Young Lee, Namgee Jung, Dong Yun Shin, Hee-Young Park, Docheon Ahn, Hyoung-Juhn Kim, Jong Hyun Jang, Dong-Hee Lim, Sung Jong Yoo, Self-healing Pd3Au@Pt/C core-shell  electrocatalysts with substantially enhanced activity and durability towards oxygen reduction, Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 206 (2017) 666-674. Link


39. Namgee Jung,‡ Yeonsun Sohn,‡ Jin Hoo Park, Kee Suk Nahm, Pil Kim, Sung Jong Yoo, High-performance PtCux@Pt core-shell nanoparticles with nanoporous surface structures for oxygen reduction reaction, Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 196 (2016) 199-206. Link


38. Namgee Jung, Satadeep Bhattacharjee, Sanjeev Gautam, Hee-Young Park, Jaeyune Ryu, Young-Hoon Chung, Sang-Young Lee, Injoon Jang, Jong Hyun Jang, Sae Hum Park, Dong Young Chung, Yung-Eun Sung, Keun-Hwa Chae, Umesh V. Waghmare, Seung-Cheol Lee, Sung Jong Yoo, Organic-inorganic hybrid PtCo nanoparticle with high electrocatalytic activity and durability for oxygen reduction, NPG Asia Mater. 8 (2016) e237. (Nature Publishing Group) Link


37. Kwang-Hyun Choi,‡ Youngjin Jang,‡ Dong Young Chung,‡ Pilseon Seo, Samuel Woojoo Jun, Ji Eun Lee, Myoung Hwan Oh, Mohammadreza Shokouhimehr, Namgee Jung, Sung Jong Yoo, Yung-Eun Sung, Taeghwan Hyeon, A simple synthesis of urchin-like Pt–Ni bimetallic nanostructures as enhanced electrocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction, Chem. Commun. 52 (2016) 597-600. Link


36. Hee-Young Park,‡ Injoon Jang,‡ Namgee Jung, Young-Hoon Chung, Jaeyune Ryu, In Young Cha, Hyoung Juhn Kim, Jong Hyun Jang, Sung Jong Yoo, Green synthesis of carbon-supported nanoparticle catalysts by physical vapor deposition on soluble powder substrates, Sci. Rep. 5 (2015) 14245. (Nature Publishing Group) Link


35. Namgee Jung,‡ Hyeyoung Shin,‡ Mansu Kim, Injoon Jang, Hyoung-Juhn Kim, Jong Hyun Jang, Hyungjun Kim, Sung Jong Yoo, Janus Pt surfaces derivatized with zwitterionic molecules for oxygen reduction reactions in alkaline and acid electrolytes, Nano Energy 17 (2015) 152-159. Link


34. Jaeyune Ryu, Namgee Jung, Jong Hyun Jang, Hyoung-Juhn Kim, Sung Jong Yoo, In situ transformation of hydrogen-evolving CoP nanoparticles: Toward efficient oxygen evolution catalysts bearing dispersed morphologies with Co-oxo/hydroxo molecular units, ACS Catal. 5 (2015) 4066-4074. Link


33. Dong Young Chung, Young-Hoon Chung, Sungmin Kim, Ju Wan Lim, Kyung Jae Lee, Namgee Jung, Hyeyoung Shin, Ok-Hee Kim, Hyungjun Kim, Sung Jong Yoo, Yung-Eun Sung, Understanding interface between electrode and electrolyte: organic/inorganic hybrid design for fast Ion conductivity, J. Phys. Chem. C  119 (2015) 9169-9176. Link


32. S. Bhattacharjee, K. Gupta, N. Jung, S. J. Yoo, U. V. Waghmare, S. C. Lee, Site preference of NH3-adsorption on Co, Pt and CoPt surfaces: the role of charge transfer, magnetism and strain, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17 (2015) 9335-9340.


31. Jaeyune Ryu,‡ Namgee Jung,‡ Dong-Hee Lim, Dong Yun Shin, Sae Hume Park, Hyung Chul Ham,  Jong Hyun Jang, Hyoung-Juhn Kim, Sung Jong Yoo, P-modified and carbon shell coated Co nanoparticles for efficient alkaline oxygen reduction catalysis, Chem. Commun. 50 (2014) 15940-15943. Link


30. Young-Hoon Chung, Dong Young Chung, Namgee Jung, Hee-Young Park, Yung-Eun Sung, Sung Jong Yoo, Effect of surface composition of Pt-Fe nanoparticles for oxygen reduction reactions, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 39 (2014) 14751-14759. Link


29. Namgee Jung,‡ Dong-Young Chung,‡ Jaeyune Ryu, Sung Jong Yoo, Yung-Eun Sung, Pt-based nanoarchitecture and catalyst design for fuel cell applications, Nano Today 9 (2014) 433-456. Link


28. Sang-Young Lee, Namgee Jung, Jinwon Cho, Hee-Young Park, Jaeyune Ryu, Injoon Jang, Hyoung-Juhn Kim, EunAe Cho, Y. Park, Hyung Chul Ham, Jong Hyun Jang, Sung Jong Yoo, Surface-rearranged Pd3Au/C nanocatalysts by using CO-induced segregation for formic acid oxidation reactions, ACS Catal. 4 (2014) 2402-2408.


27. Juneok Lee, Namgee Jung, Jong-Hwan Shin, Joon Ho Park, Yung-Eun Sung, Tai Hyun Park, Enhancement of hydrogen production and power density in a bio-reformed formic acid fuel cell (BrFAFC) using genetically modified Enterobacter asburiae SNU-1, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 39 (2014) 11731-11737.


26. Yoon-Hwan Cho, Jin Woo Bae, Ok-Hee Kim, Jae Young Jho, Namgee Jung, Kyusoon shin, Hyelim Choi, Heeman Choe, Yong-Hun Cho, Yung-Eun Sung, High performance direct methanol fuel cells with micro/nano-patterned polymer electrolyte membrane, J. Membr. Sci. 467 (2014) 36-40.


25. Mansu Kim,‡ Namgee Jung,‡ KwangSup Eom, Sung Jong Yoo, Jin Young Kim, Jong Hyun Jang, Hyung-Juhn Kim, Bo Ki Hong, EunAe Cho, Effects of anode flooding on the performance degradation of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells, J. Power Sources 266 (2014) 332-340. Link


24. Young-Hoon Chung, Dong Young Chung, Namgee Jung, Hee-Young Park, Sung Jong Yoo, Jong Hyun Jang, Yung-Eun Sung, Origin of the enhanced electrocatalysis for thermally controlled nanostructure of bimetallic nanoparticles, J. Phys. Chem. C 118 (2014) 9939-9945.


23. Dong Young Chung, Seung-Keun Park, Young-Hoon Chung, Seung-Ho Yu, Dong-Hee Lim, Namgee Jung, Hyung Chul Ham, Hee-young Park, Yuanzhe Piao, Sung Jong Yoo, Yung-Eun Sung, Edge-exposed MoS2 nano-assembled structures as efficient electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction, Nanoscale 6 (2014) 2131-2136.


22. Yun Sik Kang, Namgee Jung, Kwang-Hyun Choi, Myeong Jae Lee, Minjeh Ahn, Yong-Hun Cho, Yung-eun Sung, Anode electrode with carbon buffer layer for improving methanol oxidation reaction in direct methanol fuel cell, Appl. Surf. Sci. 290 (2014) 246-251.


21. Namgee Jung, Young-Hoon Chung, Dong Young Chung, Kwang-Hyun Choi, Hee-Young Park, Jaeyune Ryu, Sang-Young Lee, Mansu Kim, Yung-Eun Sung, Sung Jong Yoo, Chemical tuning of electrochemical properties of Pt-skin surfaces for highly active oxygen reduction reactions, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 15 (2013) 17079-17083. This paper was highlighted as “Back Cover”. Link


20. Dong Young Chung, Young-Hoon Chung, Namgee Jung, Kwang-Hyun Choi, Yung-Eun Sung, Correlation between platinum nanoparticle surface rearrangement induced by heat treatment and activity for oxygen reduction reaction, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 15 (2013) 13658-13663.


19. Namgee Jung, Sang Moon Kim, Do Hyun Kang, Dong Young Chung, Yun Sik Kang, Young-Hoon Chung, Yong Whan Choi, Changhyun Pang, Kahp-Yang Suh, Yung-Eun Sung, High performance hybrid catalyst with selectively functionalized carbon by temperature-directed switchable polymer, Chem. Mater. 25 (2013) 1526-1532. Link


18. Young-Hoon Chung, Dong Young Chung, Namgee Jung, Yung-Eun Sung, Tailoring the electronic structure of nanoelectrocatalysts induced by a surface-capping organic molecule for the oxygen reduction reaction, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 4 (2013) 1304-1309.


17. Hee-Young Park, Tae-Yeol Jeon, Jong Hyun Jang, Sung Jong Yoo, Kwang-Hyun Choi, Namgee Jung, Yung-Hoon Chung, Minjeh Ahn, Yong-Hun Cho, Kug-Seung Lee, Yung-Eun Sung, Enhancement of oxygen reduction reaction on PtAu nanoparticles via CO induced surface Pt enrichment, Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 129 (2013) 375– 381.


16. Hee-Young Park, Tae-Yeol Jeon, Jong Hyun Jang, Sung Jong Yoo, Kug-Seung Lee, Yoon-Hwan Cho, Kwang-Hyun Choi, Yong-Hun Cho, Namgee Jung, Young-Hoon Chung, Yung-Eun Sung, Hydrogen oxidation reaction activity of sub-monolayer Pt-shell/Pd-core nanoparticles, J. Electrochem. Soc. 160 (2013) H62-H66.


15. Yoon-Hwan Cho, Namgee Jung, Yun Sik Kang, Dong Young Chung, Ju Wan Lim, Heeman Choe, Yong-Hun Cho, Yung-Eun Sung, Improved mass transfer using a pore former in cathode catalyst layer in the direct methanol fuel cell, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 37 (2012) 11969-11974.


14. Yoon-Hwan Cho, Yong-Hun Cho, Ju Wan Lim, Hee-Young Park, Namgee Jung, Minjeh Ahn, Heeman Choi, Yung-Eun Sung, Performance of membrane electrode assemblies using PdPt alloy as anode catalysts in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 37 (2012) 5884-5890.


13. Yong-Hun Cho, Tae-Yeol Jeon, Sung Jong Yoo, Kug-Seung Lee, Minjeh Ahn, Ok-Hee Kim, Yoon-Hwan Cho, Ju Wan Lim, Namgee Jung, Won-Sub Yoon, Heeman Choe, Yung-Eun Sung, Stability characteristics of Pt1Ni1/C as cathode catalysts in membrane electrode assembly of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell, Electrochim. Acta 59 (2012) 264-269.


12. Minjeh Ahn, Yoon-Hwan Cho, Namgee Jung, Ju Wan Lim, Yun Sik Kang, Yung-Eun Sung, Structural modification of a membrane electrode assembly via a spray coating technique on the micro-porous layer in PEMFCs, J. Electrochem. Soc. 159 (2012) B145-B149.


11. Ju Wan Lim, Yong-Hun Cho, Minjeh Ahn, Dong Young Chung, Yoon-Hwan Cho, Namgee Jung, Yun Sik Kang, Ok-Hee Kim, Myeong Jae Lee, Minhyoung Kim, Yung-Eun Sung, Ionic resistance of a cathode catalyst layer with various thicknesses by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy for PEMFC, J. Electrochem. Soc. 159 (2012) B378-B384.


10. Namgee Jung, Yoon-Hwan Cho, Minjeh Ahn, Ju Wan Lim, Yun Sik Kang, Dong Young Chung, Jinho Kim, Yong-Hun Cho, Yung-Eun Sung, Methanol-tolerant cathode electrode structure composed of heterogeneous composites to overcome methanol crossover effects for direct methanol fuel cell, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 36 (2011) 15731-15738. Link


  9. Jong-Hwan Shin, Namgee Jung, Sung Jong Yoo, Yong-Hun Cho, Yung-Eun Sung, Tai Hyun Park, A compact BrFAFC(Bio-reformed Formic Acid Fuel Cell) converting formate to power, Chem. Commun. 47 (2011) 3972-3974.


  8. Yong-Hun Cho, Sung-Kon Kim, Tae-Ho Kim, Yoon-Hwan Cho, Ju Wan Lim, Namgee Jung, Won-Sub Yoon, Jong-Chan Lee, Yung-Eun Sung, Preparation of MEA with the polybenzimidazole membrane for high temperature PEM fuel cell, Electrochem. Solid-State Lett. 14 (2011) B38-B40.


  7. Yong-Hun Cho, Tae-Yeol Jeon, Ju Wan Lim, Yoon-Hwan Cho, Minheh Ahn, Namgee Jung, Sung Jong Yoo, Won-Sub Yoon, Yung-Eun Sung, Performance and stability characteristics of MEAs with carbon supported Pt and Pt1Ni1 nanoparticles as cathode catalysts in PEM fuel cell, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 36 (2011) 4394-4399.


  6. Minjeh Ahn, Yong-Hun Cho, Yoon-Hwan Cho, Jinho Kim, Namgee Jung, Yung-Eun Sung, Influence of hydrophilicity in micro-porous layer for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells, Electrochim. Acta 56 (2011) 2450-2457.


  5. Namgee Jung, Yoon-Hwan Cho, Kwang-Hyun Choi, Ju Wan Lim, Yong-Hun Cho, Minjeh Ahn, Yun Sik Kang, Yung-Eun Sung, Preparation process for improving cathode electrode structure in direct methanol fuel cell, Electrochem. Commun. 12 (2010) 754-757. Link


  4. Yong-Hun Cho, Jinho Kim, Sung Jong Yoo, Tae-Yeol Jeon, Minjeh Ahn, Namgee Jung, Yoon-Hwan Cho, Ju Wan Lim, Joong Kee Lee, Won-Sub Yoon, Yung-Eun Sung, Enhancement of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell performance by boiling a membrane electrode assembly in sulfuric acid solution, J. Power sources 195 (2010) 5952-5956.


  3. Kwang-Hyun Choi, Kug-Seung Lee, Tae-Yeol Jeon, Hee-Young Park, Namgee Jung, Young-Hoon Chung, Yung-Eun Sung, High alloying degree of carbon supported Pt-Ru alloy nanoparticles applying anhydrous ethanol as a solvent, J. Electrochem. Sci. Tech. 1 (2010) 19-24.


  2. Kug-Seung Lee, In-Su Park, Yong-Hun Cho, Dae-Sik Jung, Namgee Jung, Hee-Young Park, Yung-Eun Sung, Electrocatalytic activity and stability of Pt supported on Sb-doped SnO2 nanoparticles for direct alcohol fuel cells, J. Catal. 258 (2008) 143-152.


  1. Hyun-Seo Park, Yong-Hun Cho, Yoon-Hwan Cho, In-Su Park, Namgee Jung, Minjeh Ahn, Yung-Eun Sung, Modified decal method and its related study of microporous layer in PEM fuel cellJ. Electrochem. Soc. 155 (2008) B455-B460.

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